Blondebumblebee Life's an occasion. Rise to it.

gabrielle, 18 year old student from a little sunny city called plymouth. Studying Environmental Science. Just Trying to make that little difference.
♥ You have regrets, and always wish it could go back to 'those days' but it time to stop thinking what if and start believing in what can be.
Stop needing and start having. Stop wanting and start being.
longyoulongtime .

a silly little blog about my special life
And a collection of item bought from charity shops and ebay 'Just trying to make something pretty, with other people junk <3'
Saturday 6 March 2010,07:34
Mary had a little lamb.


i do like the fact that friday it was so beautiful and the fact i could just wear socks, the MET offic told me that is was suppose to be nice all weekend but as i look outside it looks pretty dull.:(
My gorgeous friend rebecca took this picture on the way to school, it was so nice and warm. At this moment in time, i have huge amount of work to do by monday and im feeling ill from yersterday! my friend rachy invite me to an 18th at last moment possiable, had hardly anytime to get ready, but it turned out to be a good night. i will upload picture later

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 oh mi geee, im so much a chubby, i have eaten a r...yet you bottom dollar..spring break.....on lookbook...staying at my gmamma....First outfit, went a bit wrong....Pink CupCakesWatching le boxbooyah is the only word needed to be said.
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